Melbourne SEO Company Blog

Welcome to the blog of our Melbourne SEO Agency. Read about items of interest to people who either own and manage their own websites- or work as digital marketers or SEO staff.

We try to present the information at a level that most readers with some experience in internet marketing or content development would understand. The benchmark we use, is based on our SEO training attendees' understanding of the subject before they complete one of our SEO courses.

We welcome ideas- if you have any specific topics you would like to see covered, use the contact page to get in touch. Our client base spans a range of industries and professions. It's likely we have helped someone in the same type of business you're in right now.

We're just doing a massive site revision through until September 2017, so if things don't quite line up or look right- that's the reason why. The changes are being made to the live site, not on a staging server. We hope you find some items of interest in our SEO blog.

Enjoy your visit.

Has Your Website Been Penalised?

how search engine ranking penalties can be overturnedThe Google Penalty comes in three main strengths. It is a bitter pill to swallow for a website owner. The Google Penalty is either a ranking drop, de-indexing of your website, or a blacklisting of the domain. The first two scenarios are recoverable, the last one usually means scrap the domain name and start again.

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Your Advertising Budget and SEO

It’s a bottomless pit- the advertising abyss. Your expenditure is determined by your budget. SEO can outperform all traditional advertising methods, with one lasting bonus.
It remains long after the print media has been thrown out, replaced or recycled.

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SEO Brings Christmas in July

Think SEO to Boost Your Christmas Sales This Year

It’s July- and we’re thinking of Christmas. How does this work with search engine optimisation? Businesses need to think about Christmas sales and plan early. Most people don’t go past page 1 of organic search results, and if you’re not there when they are shopping, you might as well not be anywhere. Of course some businesses are exempt- convenience stores, petrol stations. the local baker- but almost all other businesses need something to bump their rank up a page or two- or even more!

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Your Website’s SEO Health

SEO and your website. It’s an important thing

You can do some simple things to monitor the effectiveness of your current search engine optimisation reporting.

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This is the SEO Blog of Search Engine Optimisation Popular Topics.

We look at some of the hottest topics in the search engine optimisation world. There are so many daily changes and recommendations, it can be hard to know where to allocate time and resources. Search Engine Optimisation should be taken seriously- it’s something every website owner needs to be vigilant about.

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